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Domestic Terrorism




Extremist beliefs are nothing new to Americans. Even during World War II, the United States had to deal with Nazi sympathizers on our own terrain. But their ideals were met with resistance from most citizens so their pathetic efforts were often quickly disbanded.


On April 19, 1995, right-wing gun enthusiast and political extremist, Timothy McVeigh, decided that the answer to his government woes was to “teach them a lesson” by igniting a truck bomb at a Federal building in Oklahoma City that killed 168 people. 


It was McVeigh’s desire to start a race war that would undermine the United States government and start a revolution of a new era in administration.


This heinous attack set the stage for what would become a twenty five year downturn of the nation’s ability to effectively govern its people. Through radicalized thinking, distrust of the system, and a misguided effort; millions of Americans were inspired to make attempts to overthrow the sitting government.


On January 6, 2021; this anger festered into an attack on our Capitol that was meant to intimidate the powers that be into a submissive state through the violent acts of a handful of demonstrators.


Since this violent attack, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has reported that chatter on media outlets for more violent attacks is becoming more prevalent, and that as many as 1/3 of today’s republicans and democrats are actually seeking the outbreak of a second American civil war between the parties.


Through rage-filled protests at government buildings, school boards, and threats against election poll workers; animosity against the administration continues to deepen, imposing a constant threat upon the sanctity and peaceful process of our daily lives.


This is a danger we cannot ignore.


A systemic breakdown of our governmental authority at the hands of its own people will result in a weakened state that will make our nation vulnerable to the greater adversaries worldwide that seek to conquer us economically, militarily, and politically.


Now, more than ever, it is imperative that all Americans find a way to work together and escape the jaws of a developing despotic regime that desires to serve only the very few and powerful among our people.


This is done through developing a cooperation between democrats and republicans in our legislative offices in Washington and every state capital to enact fair-minded policies that will benefit all citizens.


It is time for our lawmakers to set the example and learn to compromise on policy and pass laws that both parties can agree on and end the gridlock that is destroying the peaceful political process.


Only in doing so can we diffuse the rampant calls of our citizens for bloodshed. Only in doing so can we save this wonderful experiment and preserve our democratic-republic.

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