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Anti-Poverty Initiative

Combating Underemployment

In the State of New York, there are over 800,000 Social Security Disability Insurance recipients and 500,000 on Public Assistance. Although these programs are a means of primary financial support for the individuals and their families, I believe the system is designed to prevent these beneficiaries from achieving any independent economic stability.


The way the system works, as soon as you attain any gainful employment, your benefits are then discontinued. Sometimes immediately. This unsound practice cripples the individual from achieving self-sufficiency.


We want to help put this very important group of citizens back to work for not only their contribution to society; but for their own well-being and financial security.


I propose the Anti-Poverty Initiative (API). A voluntary program that allows these individuals the right to attain gainful employment in a part-time position in their communities where they can take pride in knowing that they are earning their own income.


Though the numbers are negotiable, I believe allowing the person to work 12-18 hours per week at the state minimum wage of $15.00 an hour, would allow the individual to earn between $780 - $1,170 per month without that income being counted as income against their benefits.


The idea is to help some of these persons develop long-term work skills that will eventually lead into  lucrative careers where they can grow and establish their own financial independence.


By allowing these individuals to earn an income in addition to keeping their benefits, it helps to alleviate the strain of surviving on such low resources and gives them money of their own that they can then decide how to spend.


In addition, those incomes will still be subject to Federal, State, and City taxes that will create revenue for our government offices.


With so many small business owners needing just basic, low-skilled part-time workers, this Anti-Poverty Initiative helps to meet that need with able bodied workers who feel a need to contribute to their local economies through minimal labor employment.


We will encourage the small business in the hiring of this section of the workforce by allowing them double tax credits for wages paid. Thereby, reducing the owner’s tax liability.


This initiative has the potential to revolutionize the state’s welfare and disability system by allowing our most vulnerable citizens the opportunity to participate in their own financial well-being, while also being a more active participant in society. 


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